Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Picture of Tanner


Nathan said...

Congrats guys! Glad that both of your boys get to claim KY as their place of birth :) There is a sense of toughness that comes with that.

Glad Kari & Tanner are doing well.


Emily said...

Can't wait to meet him!

R. Hansen said...

Congratulations!! And wow!

Delee said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad everything turned out okay. What a crazy story! He's adorable.

Kim said...

What a cutie! I love new babies. I wish I could see him while he is still so new and little. They grow too fast after you bring them home from the hospital you know.

Well, enjoy him. Those first 6 months are a blurr for me already.

Sharon said...

Very cute!