Just in case you didn't know...we are pregnant with our third child and have been told the baby is a girl(80%). Natalie is excited to have a little sister and has enjoyed feeling the baby kick her through the tummy. I have been having fun pulling out Natalies old clothes, to see what works and what I need to get, and also buying matching dresses for the girls! Jeremy is excited...especially since the baby should be born at the end of this year(taxes)! Brayden may have some notion of the baby, but all that he does is play with sisters dolls to show any enjoyment in a new baby.
I also spent a weekend at my 10 year highschool reunion. It was fun seeing old friends and showing of my adorable children! Plus, Estella had her baby so we got to visit her in the hospital and that was good experience for the kids! Plus we were there for Travis' baby blessing and the twins Janelle and Brooks birthday party.
Not to forget that two of my Sister-in-laws had babies while we were in OR too! Congratulations Genel with your triplets, and to Melanie with your first baby Payton!
Enjoy the pictures and expect a follow up blog with what we have been up to since we got back home to KY! (once I figure out how to do slide shows more pictures will come!)
Oh my gosh! I had to do a double glance when I saw your name at the top of the list of updated blogs! Love the update and pictures- it sure was great seeing you guys! Now, if you post more on KY I really will be in shock:)! ;)
yea! finally! I LOVE seeing all the pics-- Brayden looks so old! His hair is all grown in now! And Natalie is as cute as ever. You guys took some really pretty pics, I am glad you had a good summer :)
Conratulations!!! Another girl! That's great! Hey when we're in Washington maybe we can see you when you visit Oregon!? We miss you guys. I'm glad you had a great summer. I love the pictures of your kids. How old is Brayden now?
Kari obviously had fun without me in Oregon, and although unclear from her comments, I did make it to Oregon for a week. I just wanted to set the record straight.
oh my goodness, I almost died from the shock of new pictures on your blog!!! You really got some cute pictures while you were out here..we had fun visiting with you and your kids, it took Hailey some time to get used to going to grandmas and grandpas house and not finding her cousins there after you left! Oh, and lets clear it with me before posting pics with me in them ok :) keep on blogging, it's our only link to you guys!!!
So, you didn't fall off the face of the blogging world! Congratulations, it's hard to come back after being gone for so long, don't you think?! Feeling a little overwhelmed with all you've been up to? Now, you just gotta keep it updated! :) Your pics of OR are beautiful, I seriously love that state, and after visiting Bend, I might consider living there. Not as rainy, beautiful, outdoorsy, quaint city... Hope you're feeling good! Your little guy is looking so big, not a baby anymore!
Okay . . . I found you through a google search! I figured you'd have a blog! Now I can keep up with your family! Anyway, congrats on the third child! I had no idea . . . so much for family being in the know!!
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