Saturday, December 4, 2010

Winter is here!!! (Plus Diaper Savings)

On December 1st we had our first snow flurry that stuck. We have had such weird weather lately that it has surprised me just how fast it can get really cold!!

Also, since Jenalee has showed tons of interest over the past few months in potty training(mainly pooping on the potty) I decided that we are officially potty training starting today. She did really well getting her poop in the if I could just get her to care about peeing in it!!

FYI to anyone interested. If you join Amazon mom and do the subscribe and save you get 30% off diapers and wipes. Also, in most baby magazines their is a 20% off amazon diapers coupon, and this works for training pants too!! The two deals stack!!

This has been a real inexpensive way for me to stock up on diapers at around 8.5 cents a diaper(pampers, huggies size 1/2), and I just got Leah some easy ups for around 14 cents a piece(make sure to use pampers coupon given on the page when ordering for another $1 off). Plus free amazon prime for 3 months(not that I use it, but maybe it will be great for you).

Also, I just got Huggies wipes for around 1.7 cents a wipe(3 refill packs of 216 count each in one pack for $10.15 ). I bought 3 so I would get another month of amazon prime free. Apparantly I should have told Jeremy about it sooner. ;p

I love this, just make sure to cancel your subscription after you receive the item. I put in 2 months frequency to give me ample time to cancel. Hope this helps someone out!!


Mark and Shauna said...

Wow, I can't believe you are already potty training Leah... Jackson is nowhere near ready... and neither am I!! I'm thinkin' another 4-6 months.

Kauti Nicholls said...

great deals on the diapers, i'll have to check it out! way to go with the potty training! that's awesome :)

Delee said...

Your kids are so cute! Are you going to Oregon anytime soon? We'd love to meet you down there!