November 14th was our Primary Program. Natalie had a speaking part, and participated in a group song. Brayden and Jenalee went up to sing one song( I love when they have nursery participate). Since it was so close to Thanksgivign we broke out their Holiday dresses and did their hair up in curlers.

Jenalee didn't have one curler in her hair in the morning! But Natalies stayed in and I think worked out great.

She looks so cute!!

This is actually Jenalee on Thanksgiving weekend, I changed their hair pieces from maroon to black. She is too cute too!!

My handsome man is dressed to match and decided this was the pose to strike.
We did Thanksgiving with the Parkinsons. We split up the dishes and planned to eat at 2pm.
Unfortunately there was a power outage in their neighborhood. So we had a fun time trying to cook/fit everything into my stove. It took us a little longer to get done but we at around 4pm and the food was delicious! Especially desert!

Sad we only have a few pictures. Here is Faith and I waiting to eat. We're pregnant...give us a break!!

Here are the kids. Natalie and Alice had matching clothes on. They had so much fun fooling the parents with who was who.
This week Jermy has been away to Florida. He left on Monday. While he was packing Jenalee was following him around, especially lingering in the bathroom.

Jenalee is by far the biggest mess maker I have had. It doesn't matter how many times you tell her no or move her...she will still get into whatever has caught her interest if you give her any privacy. Jeremy literally was away from the bathroom less than a minute and this is what he found.

Vaseline was all over her face and hair. We had to get jeremy to the airport, so I did a quick clean up of her to take him. It took shampooing twice and then combing in dish soap and rinsing to get it out of her hair. What a mess!!
1 comment:
Love all the cute pictures!!
Jackson has totally done that with Aquaphor (kind of like Vaseline) before. Although, it wasn't quite as bad... and since Jackson has barely any hair it wasn't as hard to get it out:).
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