Last weekend we went to the Zoo for Hall-Zoo-ween at the Cincinnati Zoo. We took our friends Emily and her son Carter. Carter and Brayden matched in their Nascar pit crew costumes, and looked so adorable!! Natalie was dressed as Tinkerbell and brought her stuffed animal "Penguie" with her(Grandma McRoberts gave this to her when we visited last November and she has recently been really attached to it). The kids had fun trick-or-treating at the different booths and riding on the Scarousel and Train. Brayden had fun picking out his own cute!!
On Monday we held a Halloween FHE. We invited a bunch of our friends over and grilled some delicious Shish Kababs. Our friends brought the sides and desserts. Dinner was delicious! By the time we were done eating a few of the families had to go and missed the pumkin carving fun! But here are some pixs of the FHE activity of carving pumkins. We had a lot of spectators but the ones who carved were Jeremy and our friends Calvin and Jason. Of course Natalie and Ellie stood by helping too!
Jason, Emily, and Carter Hamilton
Jason carved a scene with bats and the moon
Natalie chose the flaming skull
Calvin carved a witch
They looked so good all lit up!
This was a really fun night!! I hope everyone is enjoying this Halloween time! I know I am!! Especially dressing up my kids in costumes!