With all the anticipation leading up to the Christmas season, I find it unbelievable how fast it went by. To explain let me point out that we didn't get pictures taken, christmas cards sent(thanks for those who are on top of that-we enjoyed your letters!), gifts sent(sorry Trevor!), and did little to truly enjoy this Season to the fullest.
Growing up my family had tons of traditions set that we did every year. Christmas carol with a group of family friends in the back of a truck, decorating the christmas tree with our own ornaments, deliver christmas baskets to friends and family, enact the manger scene while dad reads the scriptures(although this one has become tedious as we all fight for who gets to be Mary, Jesus, and one year even an angel(sorry Lani!)), playing games and talking till our eyes could no longer stay open, opening up pajamas and cousin gifts christmas eve, and even to stay up all night christmas eve helping mom finish wrapping presents!
This year Jeremy and I were put to the test...we had Christmas here in Kentucky with just us and the kids and were given the task of helping to make there holiday season fun filled and meaningful! Daunting task for one who is used to others cooking, and planning the activities!!
We normally switch of going to each of our parents for the christmas season. This year we couldn't make it to the McRoberts because my brother Mike was getting married on the 28th of December in the Washington, D.C. Temple. We did see them in October for Grandpa Mac's funeral, and for thanksgiving(minus Jeremy) so we were able to see Grandma Mac before she passed away last week. We love you guys!!
I think we did a decent job of what we did with our children this season. When we came home from CA we were surprised to find the house all decked out with Christmas decorations. This was a surprise from Jeremy! He always does a great job(he even took it all down!). So Natalie helped me decorate the christmas tree while Brayden watched from the exersaucer. We also put a nativity in Natalies room and let her play with it, and explained what it represented. We kept in tradition by reinacting the Manger scene with our friends the Erwins who were nice enough to invite us over christmas eve, as well as carol to a family and brought them a meal. When home the kids opened pj's and one cousin gift and off to bed! I staid up finishing up things(such as wrapping the Hello Kitty backpack natalie had to have and we finally broke down and bought Christmas eve!).
Christmas day was fun filled with natalie handing out the presents and enjoying all the fun gifts we received. Thank you to all our family who spoiled us this christmas season!! But enough of my ramblings...I know you all are scrolling past this to see the pictures! So here they are...then I will post about my Brothers wedding!
Natalie and Brayden in the cute outfits Grandma McRoberts Made them(Note: cute smocking on Natalie's dress and the sleeves of Brayden's shirt have been fixed!)

First snow fall 12/5/2007

Natalie and Brayden in the Christmas outfits Grandma Bevans Bought them.
2nd Snow fall 12/14/2007

Jeremy and Natalie in a snow fight
Natalie choosing an easier target!

Brayden getting snow balled!

Sisterly hug after the fact!

Ward Christmas Party

Brayden's First Santa Pic

Natalie and Santa

Posing with Daddy and gifts from Santa

Mary and Joseph on their donkeys

Our Nativity

Christmas Morning in their matching pajamas