So it has been awhile since I last blogged. SORRY! I am back and repentant of my past behavior...so I hope to blog weekly(with some daily postings!).
Here is a quick update since my last post:
Brayden turned 2 and Jeremy finally got to cut his hair! I came home from Bunco and it was done!

Natalie turned 4 and had a fun party. The next day we left on our trip!

We saw church history sights and Mount Rushmore + on our trip to UT with Grandma McRoberts(thanks for coming with us, and driving all night!).
We had a family reunion with the McRoberts' side of the Family and the kids loved playing with their cousins

We spent a week in southern UT with part of my side of the family. Kids had fun with cousins and hiking!
Rested a week at Great Grandpa and Grandma Powell's house. Then hurried home stopping in independence and seeing Liberty Jail.
Celebrated my birthday and then Jeremy's 13 days later. We are the same age...but for some reason he finds it hilarious pointing out that I am a year older than him during the gap.
Have had plenty of fun play dates and hanging out with friends.
Jenalee is sitting up, rolling around and getting up on knees, starting to eat solid foods, and just being the most adorable 6 month old ever!!(well top three anyways)

So I hope you all feel caught up with our past happenings. Hopefully I will have another update soon.